Monday, September 10, 2007

October Meeting Coming Up At Fletchers!

The October meeting of the 1st Lord of the Admiralty Richard Howe Reading Circle will be held at our usual roosting spot, Fletcher's Restaurant at the Hotel Captain Cook, table 230, from 3-5 pm.

Since summer was an on-again/off-again kind of thing for our meetings, we'll be talking about whether or not we still want to try to meet in the summer, and also October would be a good time to bring books that you've found that might interest the group for 2008. We'll have the business meeting before the discussion of "The Deepest Water" by Kate Wilhelm, our book for this session. After the business meeting those who are interested can stay and discuss the current book and also some of the books over the summer that you might have read and didn't have a chance to "download" in discussion.

Here are some links to review and information about "The Deepest Water":

Colleen made sure there were five copies in the library!

Kate Wilhelm's bio page with a complete bibliography

Reviews of the book from Amazon (contains spoilers!)

Can't find the book? Download it from and impress the other Howe-ites.

Kate Wilhelm: An Appreciation

Ok, enough of that - hope it tweaks your interest. On another note, we are going to have a new member, Melissa Bartley, who is very excited about being in the group. She'll be a great addition!

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